Alleviating Pain & Restoring Function
While general chiropractic care is remarkable at treating soreness, stiffness, and joint pain, a more specific and nuanced approach is required when helping a patient recover from an accident or injury. With highly-targeted treatment, muscle-building exercises, and mastery of a proven rehabilitation system, Peak is fit to assist any patient in need.
The Pettibon System

The Pettibon System, employed by Peak Physical Medicine and Wellness, was developed to address the totality of the spine’s soft and hard tissues and positively impact the entire body’s function. Through techniques and devices, The Pettibon System is foundational to the rehab approach at Peak.
What Peak Patients Have To Say:
Corrective Spinal Exercises
A key aspect to a successful rehab is building muscle as well as providing relief. That muscle is built through low-impact repetitive exercises that target the soft and hard tissues of the spine negatively impacted by injury.
Shoulder & Rotator Cuff Treatment

Other than spinal/back treatment, shoulder and rotator cuff issues bring the most rehab patients through our doors. Through targeted exercises and equipment-assisted treatments, we address shoulder and rotator cuff ailments of all kinds.
Non-Physical Therapy
In addition to exercise and movement-oriented treatment, we also employ non-physical methods of rehab therapy. These are highly impactful and mean virtually anyone can be treated with chiropractic care, even if the exercises mentioned above are not possible.