Providing Relief from Chronic Back Pain
Spine and neck pain are two of the complaints we hear most common when meeting with patients for the first time and building out their treatment plan. Whether a result of injury or wear, back pain can be debilitating and the immobility it causes can make daily life significantly more difficult. A fundamental part of our treatment approach for spine and neck pain is spinal decompression, which can not only provide immediate short-term pain relief but also helps the spine improve its position, which is what ultimately leads to long-term improvement.
What is Spinal Decompression?
Spinal decompression involves the gentle and gradual stretching of the spine. It takes pressure off of individual discs, encourages the spine to reposition itself into a more desired shape, and allows bulging and herniated discs to return to normal function.
How Does Spinal Decompression Help?
In the immediate term, patients often feel temporary relief from bulging discs, pinched nerves, and sore muscles. This is especially true while decompression is taking place.
As always, long-term relief and improved habits are our goals. To that end, patients achieve a closer to pain-free life, greater flexibility and function, and improved posture.